November 2022 Meeting

The St Augustine Amateur Radio Society will meet this coming Tuesday November 1st at 6:30 PM. The meeting location will be the St. Augustine Airport Conference Center, 4730 Casa Cola Way, St. Augustine. (map). This is the meeting site we had before Covid. We have worked to get it back ever since. Though the Airport board is still working on some details, they have seen fit to make it available again. We will discuss this further at the meeting. I am still working on a program but we will have a full agenda. The most important item is to nominate officers for 2023.

Note the new time. 6:30 pm There have been many calls to move back to the 6:30 start time so that members can go to a restaurant after the meeting if they choose. With the move back into town, that option will be available again.

See You at the Meeting

Happy DX and 73
Allen Wyatt, W4YO

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