The St Augustine Amateur Radio Society will meet Tuesday October 1st at 6:30 PM. The meeting location will be the St. Augustine Airport Conference Center, 4730 Casa Cola Way, St. Augustine. (map).
After the business meeting we will conduct a couple of workshops — club logging program and radio programming.
Club Logging Program Workshop
We have a club license for the N3FJP logging program, enabling our members to log contacts when operating as N4AUG. In order to better utilize the club’s investment in this program, and to make event log submissions less labor intensive, we would like to set this program up on member computers and test it using a local wireless network to be set up in the conference room.
We’ll also demonstrate this program to those who have not seen it yet.
We also have access to the internet in the conference room, so if you need help downloading the program you will be able to during the workshop.
Please bring your laptops in order to get set up!
Radio Programming Workshop
We’ve had several members ask for assistance setting up both analog and DMR radios. Please bring your radios, programming cables, laptops, and software if you need assistance. Your fellow club members are here to help