The St Augustine Amateur Radio Society is planning its first operating event of 2025, Winter Field Day, at Armstrong Park (map), 4950 Harvey Ave, Elkton, FL 32033
Setup time
If you arrive at the park in the 8:30 am to 9 am timeframe you should have plenty of time to set up.
Operations time
Formal Winter Field Day operations start at 11 am on Saturday, but we’ll start “warm-up” operations as soon as we get stations on the air.
We expect the bulk of our operation to be on Saturday until about 5 pm.
Rigs, antennas, filters, etc.
Members typically bring a variety of rigs and antennas, and the club has a comprehensive set of filters to improve the multi-station/multi-band/multi-antenna experience. We encourage you to bring any equipment you wish to operate in the harsh outdoor winter environment of North Florida.
We’ll likely operate in the 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands, and hope to have at least one FT8 station on the air.
As of this date we expect to have at least four rigs and antenna systems, and we encourage everyone to bring a rig or antenna they would like to experiment with.
Please bring your laptop computers loaded with the club version of the N3FJP software for logging. That will enable easy consolidation and submission of logs at the end of the event.
If you would like to get the N3FJP software loaded on your computer, please indicate such on the Winter Field Day 2025 planning survey (you will receive a link for this under separate cover).
If you don’t have a laptop to bring, no worries – we will still have paper logs available.
Food and drink
There are no concession stands at the park, and not much else in the general vicinity. We recommend that you bring food and drinks for the day.
Fleas and ticks
Insect repellent is recommended (just in case).