International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2022


This weekend is the 25th anniversary International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend. The St Augustine Amateur Radio Society will be activating the Saint Augustine Lighthouse as N4AUG. Our plan is to setup and begin operating shortly after 9 am Saturday morning and continue until about 6 pm. We will also operate on Sunday again from about 9 am and until the participants get tired and want to shut down. Please be sure to wear your SAARS membership ID.

QSL information on –  callsign N4AUG

We plan to take a table, fan, and extension cord to the lighthouse Friday afternoon after our lunch at Neds. We will operate using an End Fed wire attached to the lighthouse itself as has been our practice for the last few years. An Icom 7300 and the clubs IC 718 will be available to operate on SSB or CW. Lighthouse weekend is a good opportunity for those that don’t get to operate on HF very often.


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