October 2021 Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at  the  St. Johns County Fair Grounds ,5840 S.R. 207 Elkton, Florida 32033 Map
Enter the fairgrounds from Armstrong Rd immediately off of Hwy 207.

The program this month will be on  Solar by George Winston.

Please Note:
Please wear your masks regardless of vaccination status.
No food or beverages are allowed in the meeting room

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One Response to October 2021 Meeting

  1. Ray N Larsen says:

    I’m a greenhorn to ham radio and looking for someone to give me some advise on where to start. I’m in my mid 70’s with fixed income and on a budget but interested in talking to my brother in Utah who has been a ham operator for many years but too far away to be any value about what to buy and how to install it. I can also be reached on my cell (904) 874-2324.

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