FL QSO Party Expedition Station

From NN2T Richard Visman:

FL-QSOLinda, KN4KJC and I will be operating an Expedition Station this Saturday, April 24th in the Florida QSO Party. The station will be located near Ocean Pond in the Osceola National Forest (near US90/SR10 and I-10). We would like to offer other SAARS members a chance to participate.

An Expedition Station is a vehicle-based operation with large antennas attached to it. In this case the antennas are a Hy Power 40m OCF and a 15m delta loop, both probably at about 70 feet of height.

Importantly and unusually, this station will straddle two county lines, making each SSB QSO worth double points. There are no other SSB stations planned to be in the counties Saturday, so we may be the only game in town for operators chasing a Florida county sweep.

If you are interested in participating please contact me at mail2010@nullclayvis.com or 904-652-5801. Good luck in the contest!

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