Winter Field Date Update 1

Winter Field Day 2021, Bulletin #1
Winter Field Day weekend is January 30 and 31, 2021. SAARS will be operating as N4AUG from Anastasia State Park on Saturday (1/30) at the Watersports Pavilion (same location as the 2019 Florida State Parks on the Air event).
Here’s the preliminary schedule:
Time (ET) Description
0716 Sunrise
0800 Park opens
0900 Begin setup
1200 Lunch begins
1330 Lunch ends
1345 End setup
1400 Winter Field Day begins (1900 UTC)
1801 Sunset (park closes)
1930 Begin tear-down* (no later than)
1955 End tear-down* (no later than)
2000 Leave park* (no later than)
  * pending after-hours permit

The pavilion has AC power and a good number of picnic tables. We’ll need rigs, antennas, tri-pods, poles, etc. (as we need to keep the antennas out of the trees).

The park  admission fee of $8 per vehicle MAY apply. We are looking into that.
We’ll take a survey of available operators and equipment in the weeks to come, please stay tuned for further communication on our web site, at the January club meeting, and on the Wednesday evening net.
You can learn more about Winter Field Day at
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One Response to Winter Field Date Update 1

  1. Jerry Carver says:

    Plan to be there with station if possible. Will try to be on each net

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