Florida Parks on the Air

flspota-logo-300x300Pictures are up. Thanks, Clint.

Florida State Parks on the Air will be holding a Florida State wide event on April 7th and 8th.

SAARS wil be participating from the Anastasia State Park pavilion next to the Kayak Launch area. The park has agreed to allow all participants free access to the park. The park will be open from 8:00 AM until sunset. We should expect to operate from 10:00AM to park closing, allowing time for take down prior to park closing. We will need to take our equipment down on Saturday the 7th and return Sunday the 8th. Plan to bring easily constructed portable antennas.

For further information or problems, please contact Jack Ernissee,  K4KSW, info.jackernissee@nullgmail.com

Website: Florida State Parks On The Air




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6 Responses to Florida Parks on the Air

  1. Rick Hatton says:

    A good time was had by all. It was fun to see the portable stations and see them set up. Looking forward to next year.

  2. Phil Royce says:

    Thanks for having me, even though conditions were bad, and we got rained out in Suwannee County it was great to stop by the St Augustine area and set up our portable gear.  Hopefully it will be better conditions next year and we can contact each other in our own parks.  73 KE4PWE 

  3. Jack says:

    I believe everyone had a good time at Anastasia State Park this past weekend. Facilities were great and the weather was nice on Saturday but cold and windy on Sunday. Thanks go out to all that attended and a special thanks to Frank an Sue for the Hot Dogs and Hamburgers on Saturday and the Hot coffee and doughnuts on Sunday. The attendance was fair considering the short notice. Hope to improve on that next year. Thanks to all that attended!

    Jack  K4KSW

  4. KI4NAD says:

    Looks like everyone had a GREAT time! Thanks to Clint, KC4LOV for the great photagraphy. Thanks to Jack for all of his hard work for the organization and coordination of this event. The food looks great! Thanks Frank and Sue. I think we should make this an annual event.

    As president of SAARS – I want to thank everyone for all that you do. We have a Great Club.

    Doug – ki4nad

  5. Kevin Pellegrino says:

    What was the final count on contacts for our log?  Just curious.

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